estate sale timing san antonio

How Timing is Crucial to Estate Sales Success

One of the most significant issues we encounter is many people wait until the last minute to schedule an estate sale. The two most important issues are the estate sale company is booked for that period and not giving the estate company enough time to prep for the sale.

For example, we had eight calls the last two weeks about wanting to do an estate sale shortly. We don’t have space for everyone and have to take time from prepping to visit the houses. The sooner you know, the better.

Also, do not call an estate sale company unless most items to be removed from the house are gone and the remaining marked. The estate sale company’s pricing is based on what they see at home. Many companies, including ours, put in our contracts; once signed, anything taken out the estate sale company will receive those items’ full commission.

For most sales, we need 4-9 days to get ready. Some will take longer, and in some cases, we do multiple sales a couple of months apart. If not giving enough time, we have to take shortcuts to get ready. These include not pricing much stuff and reducing the time to find personal items. Whether trash or not, any papers are put in a bag or box for the family to sort.

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